About the Author
Bentley is a 13-year-old writer who enjoys crafting action-packed, mysterious, and fun stories. His creativity shines through in his unique storytelling, blending magic, science, and adventure.
Bentley is a 13-year-old writer who enjoys crafting action-packed, mysterious, and fun stories. His creativity shines through in his unique storytelling, blending magic, science, and adventure.
I woke up and immediately thought, "Where am I?" This wasn't my home. Then, I saw a man who said, "I will give you superpowers."
I screamed, "I don't care! Let me go!" The man clicked some buttons on a strange device, and suddenly, I was transported home. I woke up in a familiar place, but it seemed somehow different. But what was different?
Suddenly, a scientist appeared and said, “Let's run some tests.” Suddenly, I blacked out, and I woke up in an operating room in a bed and for some reason I couldn't move. I yelled, “What's going on!?”
The strange scientist appeared, and he had a syringe with a green ooze. All of a sudden, he gave me a shot from the syringe, and I suddenly found myself in a hospital room, and some doctors said, “Oh thank God you’re okay; we thought we lost you.” I replied, “What happened to me?”
One of the doctors said, “You have been in a coma for the past three weeks, and according to our research, a rare animal bit you. The animal doesn't have any data in our database.”
Another doctor asked, “Are you okay?”
I shook my head. “I don't remember what happened; I had the best memory.”
The first doctor said, “You’re being discharged; please call us at 800-555-HELP if anything comes up.”
I got up and stretched my arms. My hand pointed at a box of tissues; it started to float. I screamed, “I have Telekinesis!”
The doctors gasped in amazement, “You have superpowers! Wow, if that's a side effect we’ll have to keep a super close eye on you.”
I walked toward the door, tried to close it, and reached for the handle. When I pulled the handle, it suddenly snapped off. “YOU HAVE SUPERSTRENGTH?”, they exclaimed. I then apologized for breaking their door, and they asked, "Can we get an autograph?"
I went home, suddenly I heard a scream out the window, “HELP!! That guy stole my purse”.
I go into superhero mode, I jump into action and I run down the stairs at full speed. I saw the guy who stole the purse, I saw him and said, “Hey you stop freeze drop the bag or I'll punch you” He continued to run I ran after him and punched him in the jaw and he screamed, ”OWWW! My Jaw! Call an ambulance” I take him to jail and he gets medical help. I then gave the woman her purse and she said, “Who are you?” I replied I’m. “Epic-Man”. I then go back to my house and I think to myself all superheroes have a suit. I call my good friend Zack… To Be Continued
I called 555-ZACK, and Zack answered my call quickly. He said, “Hey, it’s Zack The Wizard.” I replied, “Hey Zack, I needed a super suit.” Zack responded, “I’m a Wizard; I can do anything.” I asked, “Are you sure?” Zack replied, “Hey, I once made a magic football that granted wishes; I can do anything.” I told Zack, “I trusted you.” I drove over to Zack’s house and saw he had a bunch of weird tools and a can of soda. He gave me the soda and said, “Drink up.” I drank the soda, and suddenly a suit appeared, and I was disguised. Then Zack said, “See, I told you I can do anything.” I asked, “Hey Zack, can you make me a base?” Zack got a football and said, “Magic Football, give Bentley a base.” Suddenly, on my phone, I received a text from an anonymous number with an address. To Be Continued
I went to the location 32 Hero Drive. I saw that to even get into the base, there were security cameras, security guards, and security barbed wire around the walls of the building. I pulled up to the gate, and a security guard said, “Hey Buddy, I need to see I.D.” I replied, “Sure, I guess.” I handed the guy my ID; he looked at it, pulled out a phone, and then scanned the I.D. He said, “Let me check if you are permitted to enter.” I waited for him, and he said, “Come on in, Mr. Epic Man Sir.” I pulled my car through the gate as he opened it, and I saw a building that had on the ground, “We Solve Crimes.” I then entered the building, but the door was locked; it said to please scan your ID badge. I thought, what ID badge? I didn’t get one. Suddenly, another security guy pulled up and gave me an ID. He said, “Don’t lose it.” I then tapped the ID he gave me, and the building door opened. I was shocked with amazement; the building had a kitchen with a chef, a bunch of security measures, and a lot of screens that had access to a website where people filed reports, as well as a phone line at 555-0901, which could also be reached at 111. I was amazed, and I called up Zack and thanked him.
I was in my office when I received a call from 555-0978 and picked up. “Hello, is this the superhero hotline?” said 555-0978. I replied, “Yes, do you have an emergency?” She responded, “I’m reporting a suspicious person wearing all black who went into the bank with a weapon.” I asked, “Can you get me a license plate?” The caller replied, “Yeah, um, it's Crime01.” I said, “Yeah, I’ll be there in about three minutes.” The call ended, and I arrived at the bank to see the car with the license plate Crime01. I entered the bank and spotted a guy in a black ski mask. I noticed a vase and thought to myself, let’s have some fun with this one. The guy said, “First name Robin, last name DeBank.” I made the vase levitate and struck the guy with it. Suddenly, the news van showed up, and I got interviewed. They asked how I defeated the bad guy, and I demonstrated using another prop vase, performing the same action on the TV reporter, making sure it didn’t hurt him.
I wanted to be able to fly and to become invisible and to shapeshift. So, What did I do you might ask? I called up my good friend Zack the wizard he says, “I can upgrade your suit though it could be dangerous”, I then replied, “Just Do It” Zack Replies, “Come to my lab”, I go to his lab he says,”After this you’ll need to go to magic school which is in a different reality I can open a portal”. He Upgrades The Suit and Opens The Portal
Zack opened the portal it was a green circular shape in a frame I go through the portal I’m in a school a robot flies towards me and says, “Please put on your uniform” I drink a soda and I’m in my suit the robot says, “Get to class loser”, I go to class and they said, “flying is the first thing to learn to start jump and click the up arrow in your suit you should be able to fly with the joystick” I learned this skill then I went to the next class the teacher said, “Alright in this class we will learn how to become invisible” I then paid attention very well more than usual and the teacher said to become invisible say hey A.I.S. (Artificial intelligent suit) turn on invisible mode.” I said hey A.I.S. Turn on invisible mode suddenly the teacher said, “Good Work Now Say A.I.S. Turn off invisible”. I then go to the next class shapeshifting the teacher says, “Hey Class To Shapeshift into anyone or any thing first scan an item into your suit next on your screen click manager on that item and click shapeshift.
Chapter 7: The Issue
I was only 16 I got 20 calls a day from the school saying I wasn't going to graduate because I didn't have enough credits as I was never at school. I then call Zack, “Hey Zack I need a robot that looks like me and sound and acts like me”, Zack replies, “Why would you need this”, I reply back, “School Keeps Calling I need a robot to go so I can graduate.”
Zack replies, “Well this time I need you to go on a quest to a old old lab that has a machine that clones humans to robot in my old factory at 214 Main Street. I run to 214 main street and I grab a device thats labled human cloner and modify it so I can drive it back. I drove it back and then zack cloned me.”
I bring back the machine to Zack Zack replies, “SO it's gonna be a few days your gonna neeed to go to school till then.” I replied, “What about the cri-” Suddenly Zack interrupted, “The crime you were gonna say don't worry I can handle it.” I agreed with Zack to go to school.
This chapter is based on true events. I was in English class, and I saw this girl I instantly thought omg she’s hot. I tried talking to her she was so shy. I tried to talk to her but I was shy as well which was strange as I'm never shy. I wrote a note saying my number and then we had a field trip after the field trip she texted me. I didnt read it till later I read, “Hi this is censored” and I replied did you text me at school she replied yeah sorry I texted at school I replied it's fine I went on about something random and she didnt text me. Later That Week I was told it wasn't her and I texted with another number and she said this was not her then said she would call the cops if I kept texting. Today we talked normally so I dont thing that was her.
I wanted to get more info I new it wasnt my crush I went on my tablet and downloaded an app to text “My Crush” I text her hi is this [CENSORED] later she replies oh god leave me alone I replied is this [Redacted] she replies,”Yea and Bentley has been having all his friends text me bc I pretended to be [CENSORED] bc she didnt want him having her number bc he is a creepy weirdo” I then felt very sad and cried inside later, “I'm not [Censor] and she like hates your guts anyways…And she will never date you so get that in ur head’. This Chapter Does Not Have Names As The People Asked Not To Mention Their Name
It was time school was over I went to my secret base there was a package from Zack’s Magic Factory To Bentley The Superhero I opened the package asuming it was nothing as it got past security. I open it it's an eraser that glowed I said what the heck is this then I see a piece of paper that says, “This is Zack I have sent you a magic eraser to use if a bad guy is near use the eraser it teleports them to jail.”, I look at the eraser and say this a weird looking eraser suddenly the emergency alarm goes off I drink a soda and transform now I go to action and I find the criminal they run so fast but I chuck a eraser at them the suddenly vanish and I get a call from the police station saying a criminal magically appeared
I was in my superhero headquarters when suddenly, a message flashed on the main computer screen, displaying an urgent warning: "HACKED!! Base is on lockdown!"
Instantly, all the digital clocks switched to a special mode, their screens now reading: "Lockdown!"
My phone rang, and Zack’s voice came through the automated message: "Hey, it's Zack. This is an automated message. If you're hearing this, the building is on lockdown, and all exits are sealed. If you're in your office, rewire the clock 24 hours forward, and the lockdown will lift. If you're not in your office... well, you're out of luck."
The call ended. I rushed to my office door, but it was locked. Thinking fast, I grabbed a coat hanger and straightened it out. Carefully, I slid it under the door, hooked it around the handle, and pulled. The door clicked open.
Glancing around, I searched for a clock. I found one hidden inside a cabinet. Wasting no time, I rewired it to move forward by 24 hours.
Suddenly, all the clocks in the building flashed: "Lockdown Over!"
Credits About the Author